
Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation


The dataset represents 1 x 1 km grid cells with occurrence of reptile and amphibian species listed in the Red data book of Bulgaria or in the Annexes of the Biodiversity Act. Species are joint in a column.

The dataset represents field studies upon bird species of conservation importance. The field data are gathered in the Osogovo mountain by the expert Georgy Stoyanov in the framework of the project Balkan Green Belt in Osogovo 2007-2010.

Datasets shows results from a study on the bat fauna conducted by Antonia Hubancheva and represented in form of 1x1 km grid. Study conducted in the framework of the project Balkan Green Belt in Osogovo.

Datasets joins three single layers - High conservation value areas for butterflies (Lepidoptera) - by Stoyan Beshkov, ground beetles (Carabidae) by Borislav Georgiev and grasshoppers (Orthoptera) by Dragan Chobanov. Joined for the purposes of quicker wms. Created in the course of the project Balkan Green Belt in Osogovo. t provided

The dataset represents the results of a detailed supervised classification of a multicpectral topographic normalised ALOS satellite image from 2007 with 15 m pixel resolution. The classification was made with lots of ground truth data and a profound validation in the field. The analyses was made by Timo and Tanya Schnell in the frame of the Balkan Green Belt in Osogovo project.